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Fury of the Furries
macExodus: Ultima III (LairWare)RPG1993Haganeren
macExodus: Ultima III (Origin Systems)RPG1985Haganeren
macFury of the FurriesPlateforme1993Haganeren
macMight & Magic : World of XeenRPG1995Kurida
macMight & Magic I & IIRPG1992Kurida
macMight and Magic Book One: The Secret of the Inner SanctumRPG1987Kurida
macMight and Magic Book Two : Gates to Another WorldRPG1989Kurida
macMight and Magic III : Isles of TerraRPG1993Kurida
macPrince of PersiaAction/Plateforme1992Haganeren
macPrince of Persia 2 : The Shadow And The FlameAction/Plateforme1993Haganeren
macShining Flower: Hikaru-HanaAventure1993Folkefiende
macUltima II: The Revenge of the EnchantressRPG1985Haganeren