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King's Field IV
dosAncient Land of YsA-RPG1989Haganeren
ps2Eternal RingA-RPG2000Haganeren
satFalcom Classics (Ys)A-RPG1997Haganeren
satFalcom Classics II ( Ys II )A-RPG1998Haganeren
ndsFrom the AbyssA-RPG2008Reven Niaga
snessfcHoly Umbrella : Dondera no MubouA-RPG1995Haganeren
snessfcIllusion of TimeA-RPG1993Weldar
ps1King's FieldA-RPG1994Haganeren
ps1King's Field IIA-RPG1995Haganeren
ps1King's Field IIIA-RPG1996Haganeren
ps2King's Field IVA-RPG2001Haganeren
ndsLegacy of Ys : Books I & IIA-RPG2008Haganeren
wiiPandora's TowerA-RPG2011Ice
ndsRune Factory : A Fantasy Harvest MoonA-RPG2006Reven Niaga
snessfcSecret of ManaA-RPG1993Haganeren
ps1Shadow TowerA-RPG1998Haganeren
ps2Shadow Tower AbyssA-RPG2003Haganeren
snessfcSoul BlazerA-RPG1992Weldar
pcVampire The Masquerade : BloodlinesA-RPG2004Ralph
pc88Wanderers from YsA-RPG1989Haganeren
pcXanadu NextA-RPG2005Haganeren
msY's: The Vanished OmensA-RPG1988Haganeren
pcetg16Ys Book I & IIA-RPG1989Haganeren
sphoneYs Chronicles 1A-RPG2015Haganeren
sphoneYs Chronicles 2A-RPG2015Haganeren
pcYs EternalA-RPG1998Haganeren
pcYs Eternal IIA-RPG2000Haganeren
pspYs I & II ChroniclesA-RPG2009Haganeren
pcYs I & II Chronicles +A-RPG2013Haganeren
pcYs I & II CompleteA-RPG2001Haganeren
ps2Ys I-II Eternal StoryA-RPG2003Haganeren
nesfcYs IIA-RPG1990Haganeren
dosYs II SpecialA-RPG1994Haganeren
pc88Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished - The Final ChapterA-RPG1988Haganeren
pcetg16Ys IIIA-RPG1991Haganeren
snessfcYs III -Wanderers from Ys-A-RPG1991Haganeren
pcetg16Ys IV : Dawn of YsA-RPG1993Haganeren
snessfcYs IV : Mask of the SunA-RPG1993Haganeren
ps2Ys IV : Mask of the Sun - a new theory -A-RPG2005Haganeren
snessfcYs V : Lost Kefin Kingdom of SandA-RPG1995Haganeren
pcYs VI : The Ark of NapishtimA-RPG2003Haganeren
pc88Ys: Ancient Ys Vanished OmenA-RPG1987Haganeren